
Tag trends are in beta. Feedback? Thoughts? Email me at [email protected]

Cabe 3.0 - Java Bytecode Instrumentation for JSpecify annotated code

JVM Bytecode Optimization → 3x Android Speedup, 30% Faster Uber, and 10% Lucene Boosts

PyTorch 2: Faster Machine Learning Through Dynamic Python Bytecode Transformation and Graph Compilation

Java bytecode obscurification suggestions?

Goal embeddable bytecode-interpreted array language: first stable release

bytecode-level optimization in python

Experimental JavaScript UI library (frame rate consistency, task scheduling, batching, shared workers, stack-based virtual machine with DOM opcodes, optimizing bytecode IR)

bytecode interpreters for tiny computers

Compiling JavaScript to WASM using Bytecode Alliance's javy

Python bytecode

EndBASIC 0.11: Functions, LCDs, and bytecode

Bytecode Breakdown: Unraveling Factorio's Lua Security Flaws

Automating telemetry capture using Python bytecode

Copy-and-Patch: Fast compilation for high-level languages and bytecode (2020)

Automating Telemetry Capture in Python using Bytecode

Needle: A DFA Based Regex Library That Compiles to JVM ByteCode

Bytecode VMs in Surprising Places

Why SQLite Uses Bytecode

Speed of Bytecode Compilers

Risor opcodes: How Python bytecode inspired this Go-based virtual machine

Advanced Typechecking for Stack-based Bytecode

PyTorch 2: Faster Machine Learning Through Dynamic Python Bytecode Transformation and Graph Compilation

Goal: Embeddable array programming language with a bytecode interpreter in Go

Jazelle DBX: Allow ARM processors to execute Java bytecode in hardware

EVM bytecode to Graph using EtherSolve

Brainfuck Optimizing Compiler + Bytecode VM in Go

Question about VMGEN (but anyone with experience in bytecode interpreters can probably answer)

Bytecode and the Busicom (2022)

Which Interpreters Are Faster, AST or Bytecode?

AST vs. Bytecode: Interpreters in the Age of Meta-Compilation [pdf]

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