Akamai DNS: Providing Authoritative Answers to the World’s Queries

Researchers Unveil Electronics that Mimic the Human Brain in Efficient, Biological Learning

Practical Traffic Analysis Attacks on Secure Messaging Applications


Research on UMass Amherst course shows resilience can be taught

Climate Change Not the Only Threat to Vulnerable Species. UMass Amherst ecologist and team: Madagascar’s rainforest could be lost this century.

A team of astronomers reports today that they have by chance discovered faint traces of a huge galaxy never seen before, dating from the early universe

Preschoolers who watch TV sleep significantly less than those who don't

Stabilizer: Statistically sound performance evaluation

Quantifying the Performance of Garbage Collection vs. Explicit Memory Management

Economic Analysis of Medicare for All

All of the garbage collectors we examine here suffer order-of-magnitude

Materials scientists report the creation of a fabric alternative to batteries for wearable devices

An Industrial Application of Mutation Testing: Lessons, Challenges, and Research Directions

Compressive Traffic Analysis: A New Paradigm for Scalable Traffic Analysis

The Principles of Mathematics (1903)

Results of a new study by researchers at the Northeast Climate Science Center at the University of Massachusetts Amherst suggest that temperatures across the northeastern United States will increase much faster than the global average

DieHarder: Securing the Heap (2010)

CacheBrowser: Bypassing Chinese Censorship Without Proxies Using Cached Content

Coz: Finding Code that Counts with Causal Profiling

What Goes Around Comes Around (2005) [pdf]

Labeled Faces in the Wild

Metapuzzles: Reducing SAT to your favorite puzzle (2007) [pdf]

Sxript: Arbitrary-precision math and programming environment

How to do research at the MIT AI Lab (1988) [pdf]

Tales of Statisticians: George B. Dantzig