New study takes step forward toward HIV vaccine development

New weapon against the fight against bacteria, a new novel molecule could be the answer against antibiotic resistance.

Toxins produced by three different species of fungus growing indoors on wallpaper may become aerosolized, and easily inhaled

A clever new tuberculosis vaccine has shown promise in trials in mice

Bacteria carrying a gene that grants resistance against a powerful antibiotic have been found on a pig farm in the United States

Scientists have used predatory bacteria to kill pneumonia in a rat animal model, in vivo for the first time

Pesticide exposure in farmworkers from agricultural communities is associated with changes in the oral microbiome

The '5 second rule' does not seem to apply

Study shows that a pathogenic fungus grows and behaves similarly on the International Space Station compared with earth

Fungus in humans identified for first time as key factor in Crohn's disease

The Core and Seasonal Microbiota of Raw Bovine Milk in Tanker Trucks and the Impact of Transfer to a Milk Processing Facility

Copper destroys MRSA at a touch

Emergence of new antibiotic resistance relies on the bacterial "SOS response" which is triggered in response to stress

Rapid Evolution of Citrate Utilization by Escherichia coli by Direct Selection Requires citT and dctA

Isolation and Characterization of a Novel Gammaherpesvirus from a Microbat Cell Line

A signalling molecule from yeast inhibits the growth of a pathogenic bacterium and alters its physiology, making it more susceptible to the effects of an antibiotic

Automated Screening for Growths on Urine Cultures

90 percent of skin-based viruses represent viral 'dark matter' that have never been described before, scientists reveal.

Bacteriophage Treatment Decontaminates Infant Formula

Pathogen-Carrying Neotropical Ticks Ride Migratory Birds into US

Unlikely element, tungsten, turns up in enzyme; commercial renewable fuels might ultimately result

Mind controlling microbes. The most common intracellular bacteria on Earth can influence aggression in male hosts.

Low doses of radiation stimulate growth of iron-breathing bacteria

Berries and barfing: Strawberry plants can take up norovirus from soil and store it in their fruit

A Universal Flu Vaccine Is Headed to Clinical Trials

New biological function for gene family linked to longevity and activated by caloric restriction: Sirtuin genes are powerful repressors of a large range of viruses (open access article)

Ebola edits genetic material during infection, according to a new study

Versatile antibiotic found with self-immunity gene on plasmid in staph strain: The robust, broad spectrum antibiotic, a member of thiopeptide family of antibiotics, is not in widespread use, partly due to its complex structure; researchers now report that the mechanism of synthesis is very simple

Triclosan Promotes Staphylococcus aureus Nasal Colonization

Windshield washer fluid a source of Legionnaires: Found in most school buses

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