Massive asteroid named after Apophis - the 'God of Chaos' - gains speed as it travels towards Earth with a potential impact date of 2068 in explosion that would be equivalent to 880 MILLION tons of TNT

Magnetars (city-sized corpses of massive stars that are so magnetic they could tear you apart at the atomic level) are the likely source of mysterious radio bursts, or FRBs

Philae's tumbling skid across Comet 67P exposed some of the oldest, most pristine ice in the solar system

The Moon's ancient magnetic field helped protect the young Earth

Astronomers find 6 galaxies trapped in the "spiderweb" around an ancient supermassive black hole

Salty water lakes found more than half a mile beneath Mars' surface.

Water found in a habitable super-Earth's atmosphere for the first time

Researchers injected mice on the ISS with a gene treatment aimed to prevent bone and muscle loss (by sticking a "decoy" receptors on muscle cells)

Scientists finally detect the first intermediate-mass black hole thanks to gravitational waves

A nearby supernova (or series of supernovae) might have caused the Devonian mass extinction over 350 million years ago, new research finds

Astronomers solve the missing baryon problem

Astronomers say a hot 'blob' of gas points to a neutron star lurking in Supernova 1987A

Ceres has a salty liquid water ocean beneath its icy crust, suggests new study

The Sun may trigger earthquakes: A new study proposes that protons from the Sun can pile up around Earth, creating global currents that can deform quartz in Earth’s crust…

Pluto has a subsurface ocean beneath its frozen crust that has been there for billions of years, suggests new study

Researchers have spent decades trying to pin down exactly how long a day on Venus lasts

A rare, washing-machine-sized meteor that fell to Earth last month is the first large carbonaceous chondrite to fall to Earth in the past 50 years

Astronomers re-create Jupiter's Galilean moons using a new theory

Astronomers find the closest known black hole. The quiet black hole sits just 1,000 light-years from Earth

Astronomers need your help to learn how supermassive black holes are born

Hubble spies a suspected exoplanet disappear before its very eyes

The highest-resolution images ever taken of the Sun reveal never-before-seen filaments of million-degree plasma threading through the Sun's atmosphere along magnetic field lines.

Earth-sized, habitable-zone exoplanet found hiding in archived Kepler data

Long-term spaceflight can significantly alter the brains and eyes of astronauts, and the changes persist for at least a year after returning to Earth.

Astronaut urine could help us build Moon bases

The cigar-shaped interstellar object 'Oumuamua may have been ripped from an alien world that strayed to close to a distant star, which flung the space rock toward the solar system, new research finds.

Two nova stars were expected to completely merge in 2022. The resulting explosion ("a Red Nova") would have been visible to the naked eye

The Event Horizon Telescope has captured another unprecedented image, this time resolving a quasar jet spewing material from a nearly 1-billion-solar-mass black hole named 3C 279…

139 new minor planets found thanks to a new technique that could reveal thousands more objects in the outer solar system

The search for an exotic dark matter candidate (the sterile neutrino) falls flat

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