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'Planetary Parade' Will See Six Planets Line Up In the Morning Sky

New clues emerge toward possible life on Enceladus

What shape is the universe? (2021)

Astronomers find six planets orbiting in resonance

The human brain builds structures in 11 dimensions, discover scientists

A mysterious bright green flash on Jupiter was just captured by NASA

Mars Declared Unsafe For Humans: No one can survive for longer than four years

The rescue of the Salyut 7 space station

Astronomers trained an AI system to detect actively forming exoplanets hidden in the dusty disks around young stars

Astronomers find supernova signature buried in the afterglow of the brightest gamma-ray burst (GRB) every observed

Asteroid samples brought back to Earth from Ryugu found to contain uracil, one of the four nucleotide bases in RNA

Researchers develop a "space salad" perfected suited for astronauts on long-durations spaceflights

'Goldilocks' star reveals hidden step in how planets like Earth get their water

For the first time, astronomers have linked a mysterious fast radio burst (FRB) with gravitational waves

James Webb reveals the innermost planet around TRAPPIST-1 (which hosts seven rocket planets within the orbit of Mercury) is too hot for an atmosphere

Terence Dickinson, astronomy popularizer, dies at age 79

Astronomers find that dwarf planet Quaoar (which is half the size of Pluto) is circled by a lumpy ring of material that's so far from the icy world’s surface that theory says it should have formed into a moon instead

Astronomers discovered 1M new galaxies in just 300 hours

Pristine meteorite found within hours of hitting Earth

Climate change is extending the lifetime of space debris

Meteorite analyzed by Amir Siraj (age 22) officially shown to be first interstellar object ever detected in our solar system, predating 'Oumuamua.

Curiosity rover reaches mineral-rich region of Mars

Hot blob of gas spotted swirling around our Milky Way's black hole at 30% the speed of light.

Earth's "Milky Seas" (a luminescent nautical phenomenon) have been found in satellite data, and subsequently corroborated by sailors, for the first time

Stonehenge was likely and ancient solar calendar. According to a new study, a circle of 30 upright "sarsen" stones marked the days each month

Fastest nova ever found 'rings' like a bell thanks to a feeding and magnetic white dwarf

How do black holes swallow stars?

Astronomers spot the most distant galaxy ever seen, observing it as it was just 330 million years after the Big Bang

Cosmic-ray scans will soon be used to reveal the secrets of a mysterious 100-foot-long void found inside the Great Pyramid of Giza.

Hubble spots the farthest star ever seen

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