What Grace Hopper meant with “easier to ask forgiveness than to get permission”

Things Rob Pike Attributes to Go's Success

Creating the Go Programming Language, Featuring Rob Pike and Robert Griesemer

Modern JavaScript tooling is too complicated. Yep? Nope?

JavaScript Party 80: JavaScript Is the CO2 of the Web

Pro tips for devs working at home

Go Time #86: Go modules and the Athens project

Go 2 and the future of Go

Go Time is back! Today's topic: Go 2 and the future of Go

Decentralizing the web with Beaker

Detecting planets with deep learning

Curl turns 20, HTTP/2, and QUIC

3PM EST - April 19, Russ Cox live on Gotime.FM podcast

The Changelog Podcast: Code Cartoons, Rust, and WebAssembly

Go Time #77: Dependencies and the future of Go with Russ Cox

Go Time: Building a Distributed Index at Pilosa

The Changelog #280: Building a Secure Operating System (Redox OS) with Rust

The Future of RethinkDB

The Changelog #267: Functional Programming with Eric Normand

Aaron Schlesinger on Go in 5 Minutes and Design Patterns

Rich Hickey's Greatest Hits

Go Time #52: All About The Go Compiler with David Chase

JS Party #16: ES Modules and ESM Loader with John-David Dalton

Why SQLite Succeeded as a Database with Richard Hipp

One Way to Improve Your Coding

Funding the Web with Brendan Eich [audio]

Why We Chose Turbolinks

Changelog.com is Open Source

Go Time - podcast

Request For Commits - new podcast

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