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The Winamp Era

Why we need Ladybird [audio]

Go Time podcast: OpenAPI & API Design with Jamie Tanna

TIL that 3% of all Rust library releases contain at least one SemVer violation

How things get done on the Go Team

Advocating for the future of the open web - Open Web Advocacy (JS Party #316)

Amazon's silent sacking with Justin Garrison (Changelog Interviews #573)

htmx: a new old way to build the web with Carson Gross & Alex Russell (JS Party #307)

Changelog Podcast: HATEOAS corpus

NixOS has one fatal flaw

Things We Always Remind Ourselves While Coding

Swift vs Rust

“Waterfall” doesn't mean what you think it means

Strange Loop's greatest hits

XML is better than YAML – Hear me out

Turing Award winner Leslie Lamport wants you to think outside the box of code (interview transcript)

Git is simply too hard

“WebAssembly runtimes will replace container-based runtimes by 2030”

There's still no silver bullet

Go Time #266: Is htmx the way to Go?

Rust efficiencies at AWS scale with Tim McNamara, Senior Software Engineer at AWS

Why SQLite succeeded as a database (2016)

You might as well timestamp it (2021)

Oxide Builds Servers

SQLite's web renaissance

Creating a Culture of Innovation

Run your home on a Raspberry Pi

Automation Is the Serialization of Understanding

Making the command line glamorous

Securing the open source supply chain with Feross Aboukhadijeh

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