The foot soldiers behind psychology’s replication crisis

The Education of Dasmine Cathey (2012)

Has Consciousness Lost Its Mind?

Vial and Error: Science’s wonders are oft built on blunders (2016)

Drew Cloud who founded a website claiming "independent, authoritative news outlet" covering all things student loans has been outed as a fiction invented by a student-loan refinancing company

The cure proposed for the crisis of the humanities is worse than the disease

What’s So Dangerous About Jordan Peterson?

Why I Collapsed on the Job

What’s So Dangerous About Jordan Peterson?

Hilary Putnam’s most surprising philosophical shift began at home

Manuscript Was Due 30 Years Ago, University Press Still Wants It

Who's Left to Defend Tommy Curry?

A blog post leads to doubts about Cornell’s food laboratory

We Need More ‘Useless’ Knowledge

Meet the Math Professor Who’s Fighting Gerrymandering with Geometry

Carrie Jenkins makes the philosophical case for polyamory

The Tyrant as Editor (2013)

A Bitter Ending: Daniel Kahneman, Amos Tversky, and the Limits of Collaboration

'The Great Shame of Our Profession'

Why Great Critics Make Disastrous Judgments

What the feud between Nabokov and Edmund Wilson says about translation

The Man Against Everything

Anatomy of a Hoax

Professor exploited by fake news builds platform to visualize its spread

Power Poser: When big ideas go bad

The New Intellectuals: Is the academic jobs crisis a boon to public culture?

What's Wrong with Literary Studies?

Philosophy Beyond the Academy

Is This Economist Too Far Ahead of His Time?

Resisting the Urge to Profess

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