Cord Cutting is Hitting Satellite TV Particularly Hard

Dems Aim to Shame Republicans That Oppose Net Neutrality

Charter claims states can't hold it accountable for slow speeds.

Bell Canada's Door-to-Door Sales Force Is Trained to Deceive

FCC Boss Takes Heat (Again) for Weakening Programs for the Poor: Ajit Pai has slowly but surely been dismantling the program while simultaneously somehow insisting he's a champion for closing the digital divide.

Trump FCC Boss Under Fire For Ethics Violations

AT&T's 'Consumer Bill of Rights' is a Misleading Head Fake

Oregon Looks to Repeal Law That Gave Comcast a Huge Tax Break

Bell Canada Pushes Employees to Astroturf For Website Filters

FCC Boss Being Investigated For Potential Corruption

CenturyLink Loses Another 90K Frustrated Broadband Customers: Centurylink continues to bleed subscribers as a consequence of its failure to upgrade aging DSL lines.

With Net Neutrality Dying, AT&T Expands Zero Rating to Prepaid

Vermont Protects Net Neutrality in Middle Finger to FCC

Sprint's Solution to Fleeing Subscribers? A Price Hike.

Fidelity Communications Caught Astroturfing Muni-Broadband

FCC Broadband Availability Data Blasted As Bogus, 'Shameful'

FCC Won't Release E-mails With Verizon About Lame Collusion Joke

Why ISPs Like Verizon Are Likely Ripping Off Your Older Parents

Ajit Pai's FCC Can't Stop Lying About Net Neutrality

Comcast Nabs $1,000 From A Woman Who Wasn't Even a Customer

AT&T Lost 1.2 Million Traditional TV Users in 2017

Washington State AG Warns Consumers of Sneaky Comcast Fees

Study: Cord Cutters Save $115 Per Month on Average

Verizon, Apple Continue to Lobby Against Your 'Right to Repair'

Alaska the Latest to Propose its Own Net Neutrality Rules

Smaller Cable Companies Say Comcast is Far Too Powerful

FCC 'Broadband Advisory' Panel Stocked With Industry Lackeys

Ajit Pai's FCC Can't Admit Broadband Competition is a Problem

Verizon: Our New Tax Cut Won't Accelerate Network Deployment

New Bill Would Stop States From Banning Broadband Competition

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