Fish Species Forecast to Migrate Hundreds of Miles Northward as U.S

Dakota Access Oil Pipeline Leak Technology Can't Detect All Spills, Says Standing Rock Sioux Tribe

More Than 100 Cities Worldwide Now Powered Primarily by Renewable Energy

Tax Breaks and the Google Startup Bringing Geothermal Heat into U.S

Sea Level Rise Is Accelerating: 4 Inches Per Decade Possible by 2100

Bat Swarms Tracked by Weather Radar Reveal Earlier Migration as Planet Warms

24-Hour Solar Energy: Molten Salt Makes It Possible, and Prices Are Falling Fast

Oil Giants See a Future in Offshore Wind Power. Their Suppliers Are Investing, Too.

Wind Power Means Jobs in Texas, and Partisan Politics Isn't Going to Stop It - Wind turbines bring jobs, tax dollars for new schools, income security for farmers and energy independence

Warming Drives Unexpected Pulses of CO2 from Forest Soil

Alaska's Grizzly Bears Drop Salmon for Berries as Climate Changes

Paying People to Not Cut Down Trees Pays Off, Study Finds

Methane Seeps Out as Arctic Permafrost Starts to Resemble Swiss Cheese

As Solar and Wind Prices Fall, Coal’s Future is Fading Fast, BNEF Says

As Solar Pushes Electricity Prices Negative, 3 Solutions for California’s Power Grid

U.S. Renewable Energy Jobs Employ 800,000+ People and Rising: in Charts

Virginia Moves to Regulate Power Plant Emissions, Defying Trump

U.S. Wind Energy Installations Surge: A New Turbine Rises Every 2.4 Hours

America's First Offshore Wind Energy Makes Landfall in Rhode Island

Massive permafrost thaw documented in Canada, portending huge carbon release

Climate Change Has Likely Harmed Nearly Half of Threatened Mammals, Study Says

Study Finds Methane Spike in Pennsylvania Gas Country

Majority Of Science Teachers Are Teaching Climate Change, But Not Always Correctly — A new study surveys public school teachers and finds their knowledge lags behind the science…

'The Arctic is unraveling,' scientists conclude after latest climate report card

Warming Boosts Ocean Algae Blooms, With Potential Ripple Effects to Come

Melting Ice Raised Sea Levels More Than Previously Thought, Study Says

Fossil Fuel Production Emits More Methane Than Previously Thought, NOAA Says

For Exxon, Hybrid Car Technology Was Another Road Not Taken

The American 'Fur Ball' Being Threatened by a Warming Climate

Using airborne remote measurements of methane (CH4) plumes more than 250 individual methane plumes from fossil fuel harvesting, processing, and distributing infrastructures were detected in Four Corners region of the United States.

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