U.S. Supreme Court ends fight over Obama-era net neutrality rules | Reuters

A new study has failed to replicate a 2014 psychology study conducted during Obama’s presidency which found White people who believed the current US social hierarchy was legitimate were more likely to see themselves as victims of discrimination after reading an article about racial progress.

Trump, Seeking to Relax Rules on U.S. Cyberattacks, Reverses Obama Directive

Obama campaign used security keys during both elections to prevent hacks

Racial beliefs can lead some Americans to minimize President Barack Obama’s economic accomplishments, finds a new study (N = 1,100).

Trump Reportedly Swaps Obama’s Cyberattack Rules for Mysterious New Ones

Ajit Pai admits FCC lied about “DDoS,” blames it on Obama administration

FCC blames IT chief hired during Obama administration for false 'net neutrality' cyberattack claim

People who don’t believe that climate change is real are more likely to have racist beliefs, all of this after Barack Obama’s election in 2008

Securus, a company Ajit Pai recently worked for, was secretly tracking and selling most American's realtime cell phone locations after Pai and the GOP halted Obama era data security protections.

Senate Expected To Pass Bill Reviving Obama-Era ‘Net Neutrality’ Rule

Barack Obama delivers a PSA about “deep fakes” using a deep fake video

Watch Jordan Peele use AI to make Barack Obama deliver a PSA about fake news

Former Obama FTC Chair Is Now a Comcast Lobbyist Fighting Against Net Neutrality

Trump administration plans to freeze Obama-era fuel standards

Ex-Obama FTC boss now lobbying for Comcast, trying to prevent states from protecting consumers.

Obama in Talks to Provide Shows for Netflix

Ajit Pai celebrates after court strikes down Obama-era robocall rule

Federal Court strikes down Obama-era FCC rule targeting robocalls

Synthesizing Obama: Learning Lip Sync from Audio

Trump Can’t Save Coal: More Capacity Closed Already in 2018 Than in Obama’s Entire First Term - “Beautiful, clean coal” is not seeing a resurgence, despite what the president claims.

Google and Facebook aren’t just incredibly profitable tech companies — they are “public goods” with a responsibility to serve the public, says Barack Obama.

Donald Trump is deporting fewer people than Barack Obama did

Jeff Sessions to crack down on legalized marijuana, ending Obama-era policy

As David Letterman’s first Netflix guest, Barack Obama warns against the ‘bubble’ of social media: “I think that what we missed was the degree to which people who are in power … special interests…

Obama warns against irresponsible social media use

Obama urges 'leaders' not to split society with online biases

Prince Harry interviews Barack Obama on Radio 4: Ex-President warns social media is 'corroding civil discourse'

Trump’s website is coded with a broken server error message that blames Obama

Obama didn't force FCC to impose net neutrality, investigation found

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