Things I Have Learned (So Far)

Hardware Managed Thread Concurrency for Irregular Apps

Compiler Optimizations Should Pay for Themselves (1994)

Combined Static and Dynamic, Automated, Test Generation (2011)

On-line Man-Computer Communication (1962)

Separation, Virtual, Machine Monitors (VMM's) (2012)

Classic Nintendo Games are (NP-)Hard

Deep Learning and Quantum Entanglement

Design and Implementing the OP and OP2 Web Browsers (2011)

Wikipedia Vandal Early Detection: From User Behavior to User Embedding

How Professional Hackers Understand Protected Code While Performing Attack Tasks

High Coverage Testing of Haskell Programs (2011)

Practical Combinatorial Testing (2010)

Vectorized Bloom Filters for Advanced SIMD Processors (2014)

What can the Rust programming language do for astrophysics?

Plumbing and other utlities

Training in chess: A scientific approach (2005)

Using DNA to Solve NP-Complete Problems

Teaching Deep Convolutional Neural Networks to Play Go

Implementing Function Spreadsheets (2008)

Efficient String Matching: An Aid to Bibliographic Search