Indestructible light waves travel through opaque material as if it isn’t there

Researchers in Iran have used a deep neural network (DNN) to extract the foetal electrocardiogram (ECG) from a single abdominal ECG channel

World’s “bluest” sky is in Brazil (2006)

Casimir effect creates 'quantum trap' for tiny objects – Physics World

TIL: China has built a quantum key distribution (QKD) network spanning several KM. The network currently servers 150 users

Photonic nanostructures found on the wings of some butterflies have inspired scientists to create a new & highly accurate sensor for measuring hydrogen gas at room temperature

Endangered Elements

Thirty Years of ‘Against Measurement’

NASA scientists design a nanoscale complementary vacuum field emission transistor

Nuclear clocks are a tick closer to reality thanks to experiments that measured the energy of the lowest excited state of a thorium-229 nucleus to the highest precision ever.

Optical receiver for space communications has ‘unprecedented’ sensitivity

Standing on the outside looking in: X-rays through glass

A team developed a laser manufacturing process to coat surgical masks with a few layers of the carbon sheet that is easier to sterilize (in just 40–100 seconds simply by exposing them to sunlight) and re-use.

Good vibrations: acoustic technologies in cars

Nascar: The Science of Racing Safely

More evidence for a ‘fifth force’ found in radioactive decay measurements – Physics World

A new atomic comagnetometer may be used to detect hypothetical dark matter particles called axions

First-principles calculations shed light on semiconductor defects

Turning Water into Watts

Double Slits with Single Atoms

Quantum Darwinism spotted in diamond spin

A Commercial Path to Fusion

'Quantum microscope' peers into the hydrogen atom – Physics World

Life, the universe and everything: an interview with Paul Davies

Quantum spin liquid state pathway emerges

Our universe could be the mirror image of an antimatter universe extending backwards in time before the Big Bang

100% renewables, No problems: "contrary to unsupported claims by pro-nuclear RE critics that base-load power stations are essential, several of the simulation studies achieve reliability with zero or negligible base-load capacity"

Metrologists and policy-makers from 60 countries around the world have unanimously agreed to change the definition of the kilogram, the ampere, the kelvin and the mole

Scientists report injecting tens of thousands of nanobots into a dead pig's eye, which are sized 500nm x 2000nm, and can be directed using magnetic field for drug delivery on specific locations on retina

Interstellar object ‘Oumuamua is an asteroid, not a comet argues astrophysicist

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