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Sunflowers in a field can co-ordinate the circular motions of their growing stems to minimize the amount of shade each plant experiences – a study has revealed

Twisted fibres capture more water from fog. Twisted fibres are more efficient at capturing and transporting water from foggy air than straight ones

The radioactive half-life of samarium-146 has been measured to the highest accuracy and precision so far

New superconductor has record breaking current density

Fusion’s public-relations drive is obscuring the challenges that lie ahead

Fermilab is 'doomed' without management overhaul claims whistleblower report

Paul Dirac: the purest soul in physics (1998)

The legacy of Liverpool's forgotten synchrocyclotron

Birds save up to 25% of their energy when they follow a leader

Ursula Le Guin: the author we should thank for popularizing Schrödinger's cat

Self-propelling nanobots shrink bladder tumours in mice by 90%

Giant quantum tornado behaves like a black hole in miniature

Mixing water and oil: no surfactants needed

Entangled entities: Bohr, Einstein and the battle over quantum fundamentals

Excitation of thorium-229 brings a working nuclear clock closer

The Physics of Languages

Physical forces explain why some COVID variants are more virulent than others

The art of networking: how to thrive at conferences, shows and trade missions

Unifying gravity and quantum mechanics without the need for quantum gravity

All-electric organic laser is a first

How sound is the model used to establish safe radiation levels?

The physics of hand clapping

Photons from nuclear clock transition are seen at long last

Entangled light source is fully on-chip

Surprisingly high levels of artificial radioactive isotopes found in glaciers

Freeman Dyson: the visionary thinker and scientist who challenged authority

Two independent teams have shown that gravitational waves emanating from the distorted remnants of black hole mergers should interact with themselves

Metalens Images the Moon

Water droplets make an impact (2001)

A periodic table for topological materials

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