Ultra-Faint Dwarf Galaxy Spotted Just 480 Million Years after Big Bang -- the JD1 galaxy is gravitationally lensed and displays three images

For the first time, astronomers have detected a cyclone on the north pole of Uranus.

Study: Giraffes Can Make Decisions Based on Statistical Information

153,000-Year-Old Homo sapiens Footprint Discovered in South Africa. This is the oldest footprint thus far attributed to our species, Homo sapiens.

New two studies show rings of Saturn can not be more than few hundred million years old

Almost One-Fifth of Academic Survey Respondents Witnessed Unidentified Aerial Phenomena

Scientists are One Step Closer to Quantum Internet

Materials Scientists Create Translucent Aerogel Bricks

Scientists have sequenced the genomes of 2 hornets: the European hornet (Vespa crabro) and the Asian hornet (Vespa velutina), comparing them to the northern giant hornet (Vespa mandarinia)

Bacteria-Powered Biobattery Has 100-Year Shelf Life, Scientists Say

Astrophysicists Find New Evidence for Standard Model of Cosmology

Neanderthals Hunted Straight-Tusked Elephants 125,000 Years Ago

Venus is Home to At Least 85,000 Volcanoes, Planetary Researchers Say. 99% of these volcanoes are less than 5 km (3 miles) in diameter.

Coffee consumption has been associated with lower risk of type 2 diabetes, but underlying mechanisms are not well understood.

Paleontologists from the University of Texas at Austin have identified a new species of ancient beaver from the fossilized remains found at several sites in the Texas Coastal Plain.

Researchers have described a new species of the genus Nemateleotris from the waters of the western and central Pacific Ocean

Animals’ Ability to Sense Magnetic Field May Be More Widespread than Previously Thought

360-million-year-old fossils of giant predatory fish have been found in South Africa

New Research Reveals How Zebra Stripes Deter Horseflies

Physicists Reveal New Dark Matter Candidate: Highly Interactive Particle Relics

Astronomers Detect Radio Signal from Strongly Gravitationally Lensed Galaxy

Physicists say they can better understand the state of the cosmos shortly after the Big Bang by learning how gravitational waves flow through planets and the gas between the galaxies.

Honey Consumption Improves Blood Sugar and Cholesterol Levels, Study Suggests

Paleontologists Find Fossil of 119-Million-Year-Old Beaked Bird

Researchers Find Two Extraterrestrial Minerals in El Ali Meteorite

Biologists detected 111,000 new RNA virus genomes in global environmental data from diverse habitats and hosts

Researchers Turn Succulent Plant into Living ‘Bio-Solar Cell’

Ancient Mexicans Had Very Accurate Agricultural Calendar, Study Says

Denisovan DNA Shaped Papuans’ Immune System, New Study Shows. Modern humans have admixed with multiple species of archaic hominins

Low-Quality Sleep Increases Glaucoma Risk, New Study Suggests

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