De-de-de-de-duplicating events with Kafka Streams

When do you need Akka Cluster?

Tame your config

Digital transformation with streaming application development

Kafka Streams, Jigsaw and Docker walk into a bar

Autoscaling Kafka Streams applications with Kubernetes

tAPIr’s Endpoint meets ZIO’s IO

Ethereum in practice: a durable medium for tender offers

KSQL and Registered topics - SoftwareMill Tech Blog

TMWL June’19 — JS Fetch API, scheduling in Spring, thoughts on Unix

Thread shifting in cats-effect and ZIO

Comparing Ethereum and the Libra blockchain

Why contribute to open source?

sttp, curl, request logging and functional programming

Let mortal combat begin! Apache Beam’s GroupByKey vs. Combine.perKey

How monitoring can kill your Spring Boot application performance

The forgotten value of Value Objects

What’s the proper Kubernetes health check for a Kafka Streams application?

Small & fast Docker images using GraalVM’s native-image

6 reasons why not to use Akka Cluster for interservice communication in a microservice architecture

React Context API vs Redux — the eternal dichotomy

GraalVM installation and setup on macOS

Docker support in new Java 8 — finally

Scalar 2019 whiteboard voting results

The higher order of types

38 lines of code towards better data validation in Scala

How to keep your docker installation clean

Scalar 2019 starts in 2 weeks. Have you signed up yet?

This month at SoftwareMill we've learned

Final Tagless seen alive

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