Study indicated that leader aggressive humor indirectly amplifies workplace ostracism through supervisor ostracism, exerting a stronger impact compared to leader affiliative humor

Academics without publications are just like imperial concubines without sons

Study proves a strong relationship between the availability of firearms and the incidence of gun-based terrorism, especially for lone wolf attacks

International society of sports nutrition position stand: essential amino acid supplementation on skeletal muscle and Performance (Oct 2023)

The "snipers' massacre" on the Maidan in Ukraine

A Duodecade of Numberphile

Deciphering Mary Stuart’s lost letters from 1578-1584

Understanding the risks of China-made CCTV surveillance cameras in Australia

Exercise training can help improve lung function in adults with asthma

Transferring viruses from the stool of obese mice caused healthy mice to gain weight even when fed a normal diet

We may be less successful at regulating our emotions through music listening as we think: new experience-sampling Music Psychology study

A lack of time management skills, particularly in organization, can lead to poor sleep quality for college students, finds a new study

Errors in installation of child car seats are common, even with seats that have a five-star rating for ease of use

Helping adolescents to feel competent and purposeful — not just happy — may improve grades

Fewer teens now perceive themselves as overweight, according to international study of more than 745,000 adolescents

The Rise of Bisexuality: U.S. Representative Data Show an Increase Over Time in Bisexual Identity and Persons Reporting Sex with Both Women and Men

The moral behavior of ethics professors: A replication-extension (2018)

Gene editing achieves consistently higher favorability in social and traditional media than GMOs

Increasing pressure on US men for income in order to find a spouse

New study shows Sucralose (Splenda) causes DNA damage

Dementia Prevention Guidelines Should Explicitly Mention Deprivation

Toxicological and pharmacokinetic properties of sucralose-6-acetate and its parent sucralose

A paradigm shift: AMPK negatively regulates ULK1 activity (June 2023)

Mixed selling of different poultry species facilitates emergence of public-health-threating avian influenza viruses

‘I’d be lost without my smartphone’: how people living with dementia use smart technology to live well

Nicotine Vaping and Co-occurring Substance Use Among Adolescents in the United States from 2017–2019

What You See Is … . Not All There Is: Global Income Inequality From a Quasi-Marxist Perspective

Bias in Science and Medicine regarding genital mutilation; for female procedures, ‘genital mutilation’ was used most frequently (61.7% of articles), whereas for males, ‘circumcision’ was used almost exclusively (99.4%).

Living in a walkable neighborhood is linked to happiness

A new study finds Americans were more anxious before the 2020 election than after it

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