warning: Signature verification failed for 'https://static.rust-lang.org/dist/channel-rust-stable.toml'

Use TOML for `.env` Files?

winnow = toml_edit + combine + nom

py-constant lacks a pyproject.toml file and will encounter install issues if wheels are not available. The author has not responded to me on this

`toml` vs `toml_edit` (ie `toml` 0.6 is out)

Show HN: Tombl – Easily query .toml files from bash

Python and TOML: New Best Friends – Real Python

Python 3.11 Preview: TOML and tomllib – Real Python

Dasel 1.25.0 adds a validate command. Select, update, delete and validate data from multiple file formats (JSON, YAML, TOML, CSV, XML)

Simplifying loading config files in python using dataclasses, dacite and toml

TOML: Tom's Obvious Minimal Language

Select, put and delete data from JSON, TOML, YAML, XML and CSV files

PSA: Please specify precise dependency versions in Cargo.toml

document-features: a zero-dependencies macro that generates documentation for the cargo feature flags based on the comments in the Cargo.toml

Announcing `toml-cfg`, a crate for non-binary configuration values

A Journey in Optimizing `toml_edit`

PEP 621 is now Final! You can store project metadata in pyproject.toml in near future.

Alternative shell with native support for JSON, YAML, TOML, CSV, etc.

re-txt: from json/yaml/toml/csv to yaml/json/toml

Why broot is switching from TOML to Hjson for its configuration files

NestedText, a nice alternative to JSON, YAML, TOML

Dasel: Query/update data structs from the cmdline. Supports JSON,YAML,TOML,XML

TOML – Tom's Obvious, Minimal Language

Ground Control to Major TOML: Why Buildpacks Use a Most Peculiar Format

VS Code crates extension -- helps you manage your Cargo.toml dependencies

Support cargo.toml for GitHub dependency graph

What the Heck Is Pyproject.toml?

TOML for Modern C++

tomland: Bidirectional TOML serialization

Ward Python 3.6+ testing framework now supports using plain assert statements, pyproject.toml config, tests described by strings, import powered fixtures that use dependency injection…

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