One Line Fuzzy Find for Git Worktree

Back Up Your Git Repositories to S3 or Any S3-Compatible Storage

"jj, which describes itself as being “a Git-compatible VCS that is both simple and powerful”. This is selling itself short

"jj [] describes itself as being “a Git-compatible VCS that is both simple and powerful”. This is selling itself short

Quais cursos gratuitos de programação vcs recomendam?

BitKeeper, Linux, and licensing disputes: How Linus wrote Git in 14 days

Unix version control lore: what, ident

Snip Snap

Gh-dash: A beautiful CLI dashboard for GitHub

Tracking Releases and CI Across Software Teams and Forges

Clone arbitrary single Git commit

Not quite Open Source (1999)

dependabot-core is now open source with an MIT license

Securing Git Repositories with Gittuf

Securing Git: Addressing 5 new vulnerabilities

Ask HN: Why don't VCs just "suck it up" and pay founders a competitive salary?

VCs aren’t your friends

Highlights from Git 2.45

git bisect-find

Notes on git's error messages

Using Multiple GitHub Accounts

Oh My Git: An open source game about learning Git

A History of Source Control Systems: SCCS and RCS

Why Don't I Like Git More?

vcswatch and git --filter

VCs Invest $90M in Varda Space Industries' Microgravity Drug Manufacturing

backseat-signed: Verify a source tarball is cryptographically claimed to be the source input for a given Arch Linux or Debian package (and how to match it with VCS)

Twenty years is nothing

GG, a GUI for Jujutsu

Diffing patches for visual programming language MaxMSP

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