
Tag trends are in beta. Feedback? Thoughts? Email me at [email protected]

Try to Fix It One Level Deeper

The Fundamental Law of Software Dependencies

Rust's Ugly Syntax (2023)

Primitive Recursive Functions for a Working Programmer

Why Not Rust?

How I Use Git Worktrees

Properly testing concurrent data structures

Regular, Recursive, Restricted

Unit and Integration Tests

Basic Things

Zig Defer Patterns

Architecture.md (2021)

Git Things

Non-Send Futures When?

O(1) Build File

CI Dream

Push ifs up and fors down

Data Oriented Blogging

Unless Explicitly Specified Otherwise, Open Source Software With Users Carries Moral Obligations

How LSP could have been better

Unified versus Split Diff

Unix Structured Concurrency

What is an Invariant?

Role of Algorithms

Comparative Analysis

TypeScript is surprisingly ok for compilers

Types and the Zig Programming Language

On Modularity of Lexical Analysis

Fantastic Learning Resources

Can you trust a compiler to optimize your code?

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