WordPress Turns 20

WordPress drops Twitter social sharing due to API price hike

WordPress plugin hole puts '2M websites' at risk

Hackers exploit WordPress plugin flaw that gives full control to 12M sites

How to Embed a Python Streamlit App in WordPress with Replit

Jamstack Won't Replace WordPress

WordPlate: WordPress on Composer with sensible defaults

WordPress Is an Absolute Nightmare

AI, Python and Wordpress

ChatGPT writes functional WordPress plugins for simple tasks

100% Off Udemy Course - WordPress Crash Course: Build any Website in Minutes!

Free hosting for Wordpress + Python environment , testing ground

Learn how to scrape WordPress website posts and publish to your WP website(educational purposes only)

Automated WordPress post Generation from your CLI, using OpenAI GPT-3

WordPress Sites Under Attack from Newly Found Linux Trojan

Hundreds of WordPress Sites Infected By Recently Discovered Backdoor

Why did the new GraphQL API for WordPress take 1.5 years to be released?

Show HN: New GraphQL API for WordPress (1.5 years of development, 16000 commits)

WordPress testing official SQLite Support

WordPress to support SQLite back end

RssCloud, WordPress. FeedLand, and Dave Winer

AI WordPress code snippet generator

Proposal: support SQLite in WordPress

WordPress WASM

Over 280,000 WordPress sites may have been hijacked by zero-day hiding in popular plugin

Zero-day in WPGateway Wordpress plugin actively exploited in attacks

Over 280,000 WordPress Sites Attacked Using WPGateway Plugin Zero-Day Vulnerability

Eight-Year Study Finds 24,931 WordPress Sites Using Malicious Plugins

From WordPress to Hugo – How I Migrated a 250+ Page Site and the Scripts I Used

WordPress’ market share is shrinking

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