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Jockey Can't Walk After Manufacturer Refuses to Fix Battery in $100k Exoskeleton

'Right to Repair for Your Body': The Rise of DIY, Pirated Medicine

Project Analyzing Human Language Usage Shuts Down Because 'Generative AI Has Polluted the Data'

LinkedIn Is Training AI on User Data Before Updating Its Terms of Service

‘Right to Repair for Your Body’: The Rise of DIY, Pirated Medicine

Snapchat Reserves the Right to Use AI-Generated Images of Your Face in Ads

Privacy Service Optery Faces Backlash After Plan to Send OpenAI User Data

Larry Ellison's AI-Powered Surveillance Dystopia Is Already Here

Companies Lobby Against Giving the Military the Right to Repair

Leaked Docs Show Nvidia Scraping a Human Lifetime of Videos per Day to Train AI

Navy Ad: Gig Work Is a Dystopian Unregulated Hellscape, Build Submarines Instead

US Feds Are Tapping a Half-Billion Encrypted Messaging Goldmine

Where Facebook's AI Slop Comes From

Co-Founder of DDoSecrets Was Dark Web Drug Kingpin

It May Soon Be Legal to Jailbreak AI to Expose How it Works

Google is the only search engine that works on Reddit now, thanks to AI deal

Websites are Blocking the Wrong AI Scrapers (Because AI Companies Keep Making New Ones)

DHS Has a DoS Robot To Disable Internet of Things 'Booby Traps' Inside Homes

To Fix CrowdStrike Blue Screen of Death Simply Reboot 15 Straight Times, Microsoft Says

Goldman Sachs: AI Is overhyped, expensive, and unreliable

Figma disables AI app design tool after it copied Apple's weather app

FBI Gains Access to Suspected Trump Shooter’s Password Locked Phone

Developing Film Photos Is a Lost Art

AI Video Generator Runway Trained On Thousands of YouTube Videos Without Permission

Google's Exclusive Reddit Access

Leaked Docs Show What Phones Cellebrite Can and Can't Unlock

US Nuke Agency Buys Internet Backbone Data

Google Paper: AI Potentially Breaking Reality Is a Feature Not a Bug

Scalpers Work with Hackers to Liberate Ticketmaster's 'Non-Transferable' Tickets

Facebook Is the 'Zombie Internet'

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