Space-grown lettuce is as safe and nutritious as Earth lettuce, new research shows

A brainless, single-celled organism called slime mold (which has a knack for finding food) has inspired an algorithm that's helping astronomers map the large-scale structure of the universe's dark matter.

Physicists have discovered a new particle — dubbed X17 — that requires the existence of a fifth force of nature.

Astronomers have spotted the biggest explosion ever seen in the universe

Hubble Just Spotted Something Massive Coming Out of Uranus

Hubble finds the Sombrero galaxy had a surprisingly turbulent past

NASA's InSight lander has detected 174 'marsquakes,' finally proving that Mars is both seismically and volcanically active

Astronomers simulated Betelgeuse going supernova and found when it explodes, it will shine as bright as a Half Moon, but “All this brightness would be concentrated into one point,” Howell says

Neptune suffered a head-on collision with a giant impactor while Uranus got a glancing blow, which could explain the differences between the ice giants, finds a new study

The hottest known exoplanet has a perpetual dayside that's so scorching hot (7,800°F or 4,300°C, hotter than some stars) that it tears molecules apart, which then reform on the planet's nightside