Male Fruit Flies Will Choose Sex Over Safety

The vagus nerve orchestrates the mind-body connection

Scientists Find Humans Age Dramatically In Two Bursts: At 44, Then 60

Delivery mode is a larger determinant of infant gut microbiome composition at 6 weeks than exposure to peripartum antibiotics (Jul 2024)

The name you’re given at birth might subtly shape your appearance as you grow older

A full DNA computer is a step closer, thanks to a new technology that could store petabytes of data in DNA for thousands or even millions of years

Global threats of extractive industries to vertebrate biodiversity: Current Biology

Hairs on the feet of Mexican free-tailed bats fluoresce under UV light, researchers report in Mammalian Biology

High-intensity interval training might help with premature ejaculation

A new study reveals that tarantulas are actually often on friendly terms with amphibians, reptiles, and even army ants, which are known to feed on spiders