vince 0.4.6: An audio-video synthesizer. First version

can yall give me feedback on my first ever crate!!!

cgl-rs: A Library for Graphics Programming, Creative Coding, Game dev

curve25519-dalek v4.0.0 has been released: pure Rust implementation of the Curve25519 elliptic curve

blight 0.6.0 released - A Linux backlight CLI utility/library

ctsh: run shell-commands at compile-time and capture their output

Announcing situwaition 0.1: wait for a condition by running a sync/tokio/async-std closure until Ok(..) / timeout

Announcing firmata-rs! Dust off your Arduinos and tinker away!

My first crate: n64romconvert!

AutobahnHash: a no-unsafe, fast, and portable implementation of HighwayHash