Study identified key factors that can impact the long-term weight loss of patients with obesity who were prescribed injectable semaglutide or liraglutide for the treatment of type 2 diabetes or obesity

Study of former NFL players finds 1 in 3 believe they have CTE (chronic traumatic encephalopathy), and those who do also have higher rates of treatable conditions that mimic CTE’s cognitive symptoms…

Four more health care workers ill after caring for bird flu case in Missouri

Both shorter and longer durations of sleep during the night (less 6h or more 8h) and midday naps longer than 30min are associated with a higher likelihood of mild cognitive impairment, while optimal cognitive benefits are linked to ~7h of nighttime sleep and a nap duration of less than 30min

Replacing cow’s milk with soymilk (including sweetened soymilk) does not adversely affect established cardiometabolic risk factors and may result in advantages for blood lipids, blood pressure, and inflammation in adults with a mix of health statuses…

Positive experiences can protect children’s heart health

A study researched the potential of TLR713 as a novel TLR7 agonist capable of inhibiting PRV replication and may offer new opportunities for developing antiviral therapies

Decline in bats linked to rise in deaths of newborns in the United States.

Microplastics found in nose tissue at base of brain, study says

Poor sleep quality and anxiety scores could predict depressive symptoms severity using a machine learning tool