Fashion, art cycles are driven by counter-dominance signals of elite competition

Dogs' looking times and pupil dilation response reveal expectations about contact causality

A research team has demonstrated that members of a group of baboons can establish shared social conventions -- in this case, by all agreeing on how to solve a problem in order to get a reward faster

Marine Biologists Identify New Species of Beaked Whale

A new discovered theropod dinosaur occupies apex predator niche in the early Late Cretaceous of Uzbekistan .

Birds begin vocal training before they hatch by listening to their parents call from inside their egg,

Research shows different shark species hunting in a rotation system to avoid competing with each other

A new transport paradox was described, like "the Braess's paradox for the 21st century", by observing the congestion in a city as a collective process

Implanted heart rate and body temperature loggers in free-living small birds show that overwintering songbirds adjust their energetic output in response to seasonality and fluctuating daily conditions

Adaptive, caste-specific changes to recombination rates in a thelytokous honeybee population