Research shows different shark species hunting in a rotation system to avoid competing with each other

A new transport paradox was described, like "the Braess's paradox for the 21st century", by observing the congestion in a city as a collective process

Implanted heart rate and body temperature loggers in free-living small birds show that overwintering songbirds adjust their energetic output in response to seasonality and fluctuating daily conditions

Adaptive, caste-specific changes to recombination rates in a thelytokous honeybee population

The intestinal microbiome of latrine sediments from two medieval cities (2020)

Over the course of 12 years, a group of chimpanzees maintained an arbitrary group-specific handclasp preference even as group composition changed over time, indicating a cultural phenomenon.

New research on ants has shown a first in insects: the ability to shrink and then regrow their brains in a big way

Noise pollution has a long-lasting and detrimental effect on trees and plants

Negativity found to increase chances of Twitter posts going viral

COVID-19 hospitalization rates rise exponentially with age, inversely proportional to thymic T-cell production