China is on track to meet its emissions goals for 2020

People who eat dark chocolate less likely to be depressed suggests a new large study (n = 13,626), which found that eating dark chocolate may positively affect mood and relieve depressive symptoms

Human pregnancy might be dependent on platelet cells that evolved in a platypus-like animal 300m years ago

People who are obese from childhood through to middle age are more than twice as likely to have difficulty with daily tasks such as lifting, climbing stairs and carrying shopping by the time they are 50…

Javelin throwers test replicas of 300,000 year old Schöningen spears, the oldest in the archaeological records, find they are accurate up to 20 meters(double the estimate)…

Small-brained female guppies aren’t drawn to attractive males

Dementia patients could be experiencing pain they cannot communicate

Decline in working class politicians, shifted Labour towards right wing policy

Formal reasoning about the security of AWS

Emotional eating in childhood is learned at home - The tendency for children to eat more or less when stressed and upset is mainly influenced by the home environment and not by genes…