
Tag trends are in beta. Feedback? Thoughts? Email me at [email protected]

From Slow to SIMD: A Go Optimization Story

You need a mental model of LLMs to build or use a LLM-based product

The lifecycle of a code AI completion

A deep dive into the Go memory allocator and garbage collector

Sourcegraph: Incident involving unauthorized admin access

Building conc: Better structured concurrency for Go

Cody – The AI that knows your entire codebase

All You Need Is Cody

Cheating is All You Need

Open Sourcing Cody – Sourcegraph's AI-enabled editor assistant

Building conc: Better structured concurrency for Go

Migrating from Monaco Editor to CodeMirror

Steve Yegge Joins as Head of Engineering of Sourcegraph

Revisiting the design approach to Zig

An ex-Googler's guide to dev tools

Show HN: Quickly find sensitive files in your GitHub repo

A dev's thoughts on developer productivity

5 key elements of successful monolith-to-microservices migrations

I interviewed Max Howell, creator of Homebrew, about his new package manager

Changing the web one tool at a time, with Kelly Norton, principal software engineer at Mailchimp and creator of open-source code search engine Hound

Simplicity is worth paying for: Dev Tool Time with Roger Peppé

Expanding Sourcegraph from an on-premise product into a cloud offering

Postgres text search: balancing query time and relevancy

A 5x reduction in RAM usage

Decomposing a massive Rails monolith with Kirsten Westeinde, software development manager, Shopify

Sourcegraph: Why we're indexing the OSS universe

How not to break a search engine

Kelsey Hightower shares stories from Kubernetes, Google Cloud, and standup comedy

An ex-Googler’s guide to dev tools

Peter Pezaris talks about building Codestream to bring code discussions into your editor

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