Taking vitamin D supplements during pregnancy could be a key strategy to boost bone health in children

Time of day and eating behaviors are associated with the composition and function of the human gastrointestinal microbiota

A Mendelian randomization analysis indicated that higher BMI at age 7 likely causes higher levels of binge eating and overeating, weight and shape concerns, and weight-control behaviour patterns in both males and females and food restriction in males at age 13

The underappreciated role of muscle in health and disease

A moderate increase in dietary zinc reduces DNA strand breaks in leukocytes and alters plasma proteins without changing plasma zinc concentrations

Mass famine may be associated with telomere shortening in male descendants of famine survivors, supporting the "thrifty telomere hypothesis", finds researchers based on a retrospective cohort study of survivors and descendants of a Chuvash population that experienced mass famine in 1922–1923.

Whey protein supplement 'significantly' lowers blood pressure and reduces the risk of heart disease and stroke

Meta analysis: findings suggest significant inverse relations between whole-grain intake and mortality due to any cause, CVD, or cancer

Financial incentives increase fruit and vegetable intake among low-income (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) participants

Men following a vegan diet are 35% less likely to develop prostate cancer.

Higher compared with lower dietary protein during an energy deficit combined with intense exercise promotes greater lean mass gain and fat mass loss: a randomized trial

Watercress supplementation in diet reduces lymphocyte DNA damage and alters blood antioxidant status in healthy adults

Obese people believe that drinking diet beverages (DBs) may be a simple strategy to achieve weight loss

In type 2 diabetic obese adults, a low carbohydrate diet, which is high in unsaturated fat and low in saturated fat, achieves greater improvements in the lipid profile, blood glucose stability, and reductions in diabetes medication requirements compared to the high carbohydrate diet.

Higher usual alcohol consumption was associated with a lower 41-y mortality risk from coronary artery disease in men

A high whey protein–, leucine-, and vitamin D–enriched supplement preserves muscle mass during intentional weight loss in obese older adults

Treatment of obesity with calorically unrestricted diets (1953)

Serum biomarkers of habitual coffee consumption may provide insight into the mechanism underlying the association between coffee consumption and colorectal cancer

A 16-year long longitudinal study on 120,000 subjects found a diet rich in proteins leads to weight gain when also rich in high glycemic index foods, and to weight loss when also rich in low glycemic index foods.

The underappreciated role of muscle in health and disease [pdf]

Caffeine intake is independently associated with a lower risk of incident kidney stones

"Fiber and fruit intakes are associated with a reduction in total mortality"

Umami flavor enhances appetite but also increases satiety

A recommendation to eat or skip breakfast has no discernible effect on weight loss "contrary to widely espoused views"

There is no significant evidence for concluding that dietary saturated fat is associated with an increased risk of CHD or CVD. - AJCN