
Tag trends are in beta. Feedback? Thoughts? Email me at [email protected]

Resource management in Aurora Serverless

Better-performing “25519” elliptic-curve cryptography

Using Lightweight Formal Methods to Validate a Key-Value Storage Node in Amazon S3

Formal verification makes RSA faster — and faster to deploy

MemoryDB: A fast and durable memory-first cloud database

Forecasting with Trees (2021)

A gentle introduction to automated reasoning

A Cloud-Optimized Transport Protocol for Elastic and Scalable HPC (2020)

Do large language models need all those layers?

Bringing code analysis tools to Jupyter notebooks

Why Alexa won't wake up when she hears her name in ads (2019)

Automated Reasoning at Amazon: A Conversation

20B-parameter Alexa model sets new marks in few-shot learning

New method identifies the root causes of statistical outliers

Calculating the differential cost of code changes

Non-Stationary A/B Tests

Translating images into bird's-eye-view maps

Computation reuse via fusion in Amazon Athena

The science behind ultrasonic motion sensing for Echo

Amazon Redshift re-invented

DAOS: Data access-aware operating system [2022]

Amazon releases 51-language dataset for language understanding

Improving forecasting by learning quantile functions

A gentle introduction to automated reasoning

Amazon’s DynamoDB – 10 years later

Prime Video Uses WebAssembly

Using lightweight formal methods to validate a key-value storage node in Amazon S3

Why a lack of diversity hurts economics–and economists

Amazon's ML University is making its online courses available to the public

Combining knowledge graphs, quickly and accurately

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