Fedora has been shipping with a broken screen reader for nine years but the real problem is me

Fedora has been shipping with a broken screen reader for nine years

Dear Linux, Privileged Ports Must Die

Lipstick on a Pig: learning the most important lesson in design

What Is the Small Web?

Saying goodbye to an old friend – Aral Balkan

Apple wants to redefine what it means to violate your privacy. We mustn’t let it

Introducing JSDB

What Is the Small Web?

Apple just killed Offline Web Apps while purporting to protect your privacy

Sometimes you have to stick a screwdriver in it (or how to liberate a Chromebook in ten easy steps)

The Future of Internet Regulation at the European Parliament

How hard can it be to move our developer account to our new not-for-profit?

Trickle‐down technology and why it doesn’t work. (2013)

How to liberate a Chromebook in ten easy steps

https-server v1.0.3 released

I was wrong about Google and Facebook: theres nothing wrong with them (so say we all)

Reclaiming RSS

GDMR: this one simple regulation could end surveillance capitalism in the EU

Pop_OS 18.04: the state of the art in GNU/Linux on desktop

Out of the frying pan and into the fire

Decrypting Amber Rudd

We didn’t lose control – the Web was stolen

Design is not veneer.

Aral Balkan replies to the Zuckerberg manifesto

The Nature Of The Self In The Digital Age

Why I’m not speaking at CPDP (Hint: it’s the privacy-washing, stupid)