Babel is used by millions, so why are we running out of money? (2021)

Babel is used by millions, so why are we running out of money? · Babel

Babel 7.9 can generate a significantly smaller preset-env output with the "bugfixes" option

The new Babel release gives support for ECMAscript 2020 features. We can now use the nullish operator, optional chaining and dynamic module import.

Babel 7.5.0 Released: dynamic import and F# pipelines

Babel 7.2.0: private instance methods and more

Babel 7 Released

Removing Babel's Stage Presets

What's Happening With the Pipeline (|>) Proposal? · Babel

Nearing the Babel 7.0 Release

Planning for Babel 7.0

The State of Babel

Babili: An ES6+ aware minifier based on Babel

Babel Blog: Setting up Babel 6

Babel 6.0 Released

React on ES6+

Babel: experimental `do` syntax

Function binding in ES7

6to5 is renamed to Babel