Exploring Randomness In JavaScript

Exploring Randomness in JavaScript

Converting Strings to Integers Using Hash, HashCode, and CRC-32 in ColdFusion

Only Solve One Problem at a Time

Using jSoup To Extract JSON+LD Structured Data In ColdFusion 2021

Strangler: Building A Feature Flag System In ColdFusion

Serving A Bypassable "Down For Maintenance" Page In ColdFusion 2021

You Can Throw() Anything in JavaScript – and Other Async/Await Considerations

I Always Design The Database Schema First, Then The ColdFusion Code

Replacing jQuery (110kb) With UmbrellaJS (8kb)

Mixing Promises And async/await For Caching Purposes In JavaScript

Using the “X-AMZN-Trace-Id” Header for Request Tracing Through AWS Load Balancer

I've been merging microservices back into the monolith

After 3 Months of JavaScript Linting, It's Pretty Much All Pain and No Gain

Hello World: Concurrency In Node.js Using The Cluster Module

Attaching Dynamic Event Handlers To Proxied Child Elements In ReactJS