Underground orchestra by tiny creatures is a sign of healthy soil

A rare, vagrant eagle generated up to $732,000 in economic activity in the United States during a two-month period as birders traveled to see the rarity.

By increasing the diversity of indigenous plants in urban areas, researchers from the University of Melbourne have seen a seven-fold increase in the number of insect species in just three years, confirming the ecological benefits of urban greening projects

Scientists devise approach for selecting coral species for reef restoration, according to a study published in the Journal of Applied Ecology.

Socio-ecological interactions promote outbreaks of a harmful invasive plant in an urban landscape

Researchers at King's College (England, UK) replaced a portion (0.36 ha) of fine lawn first laid in 1772 with a wildflower meadow in 2019

Image-based analyses show that rhinos are evolving smaller horns to avoid being a target for poachers

New research reveals that albatross populations are declining due to predation by invasive mouse species.

New article on the cover of Methods in Ecology and Evolution that introduces a new conservation tool: "Integrated SDM database: Enhancing the relevance and utility of species distribution models in conservation management" - An example to help the world's rarest sea lion

Playing Red Dead Redemption 2 teaches players natural history

Roundup causes high levels of mortality following contact exposure in bumble bees

Using wildlife detection dogs (WDD) to detect rare or elusive species was more effective than other methods in 88.71% of all cases in a study that assessed reports from 62 countries involving 408 animal…

Eagle fatalities are reduced by automated curtailment of wind turbines

Mountain gorillas are friendly to familiar neighbours, as long as stay out of their core territory

Study demonstrates that ants can not only recognize the increase in foraging risks, but also make corresponding adjustments to their strategy by using a specific tool

Researchers found that the strongest predictor of bed-bug infestation was low household income, along with, to a lesser extent, high eviction rates and crowding

Bats use private and social information as they hunt: "Searching for prey takes a lot of time and energy, but one of the amazing things that bats do to minimize search effort is to eavesdrop on prey as they communicate—and also to eavesdrop on other bats to find out where they are catching prey."