
Tag trends are in beta. Feedback? Thoughts? Email me at [email protected]

Cracking an old ZIP file to help open source the ANC's "Vula" secret crypto code

Steve Ballmer's incorrect binary search interview question

Two ways to use an LED as a light sensor with Arduino

Acorn Computer Systems catalogue circa 1983

Controlling the Taylor Swift Eras Tour wristbands with Flipper Zero

The Acme Klein Bottle (From Cliff Stoll and Family)

Original WWW proposal is a Word for Macintosh 4 file from 1990, can we open it?

Repairing (sort of) a Dyson fan remote control

My daily driver is older than I thought; it's positively vintage

Restoration of an IBM 701C Butterfly-keyboard laptop

Your last name contains invalid characters (2010)

Double-Checking Dawkins (2007)

My primality testing code is faster than Sir Roger Penrose's

My 1976 KIM-1

"Hacker News" for retro computing and gaming

An aroma picker for the Le Nez du Vin game

Breathing life back into a Minitel 1B with the Minimit

Retrieving 1TB of data from a faulty drive with the help of woodworking tools

Write your passwords down (2010)

Revisiting the “Cansole”, because my TV doesn't have the right connectors

Kelly Rowland couldn't have used the =HYPERLINK() function to message Nelly

The inner beauty of a Tesla Stropkov DS 3600 telephone from the early 1980s

Barebones project to get an Inkplate 10 using WiFi, HTTPS using the Arduino IDE

Repairing a tiny ribbon cable inside a 28 year old IBM ThinkPad 701c

Restoring my Commodore P50 calculator with a little solder and a 3D printer

Restoring my Rockwell 8R calculator with a 3D printer

Pimping my Casio with Oddly Specific Objects' alternate motherboard and firmware

Childhood toys: 40 years on 2-XL works just fine

A self-contained AVR programmer using an Arduino Uno

Guest WiFi using a QR code

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