50 Years in Filesystems: 1984


Operations Review Meeting

The Matrix Trashfire

A Revolution Devours Its Children

50 years in filesystems: towards 2004 – LFS

The SGI XFS Filesystem

Tracing Python

50 years in filesystems: 1984 BSD FFS

50 Years in Filesystems: 1974 Unix V7

This is not a Drill, this is just Tuesday

Breaking MySQL Replication with Algorithm = Instant

In MySQL, use utf8mb4 when you mean to work with utf8 in your programming language.

Attack of the 50 foot Blockchain (2017)

NVMe is not a hard disk

MySQL from Below

Uplift or a Process to Create Useful Usenet Newsgroups (2008)

Things you cannot say on Facebook, SQL Edition

How not to run a CA

Unicode is over and it dies over Emoji

Illegal and undocumented instructions found in every major vendor CPU

Getting out of the cloud…