
Tag trends are in beta. Feedback? Thoughts? Email me at [email protected]

Stripe's Monorepo Developer Environment

Finding near-duplicates with Jaccard similarity and MinHash

Finding near-duplicates with Jaccard similarity and MinHash

Stripe's monorepo developer environment

Performance engineering, profilers, and seeing the invisible

Advent of Code in C++ Template Metaprogramming

A very subtle bug (2010)

What's with ML software and pickles?

Graceful behavior at capacity

Efficiency trades off against resiliency

Why the Sorbet typechecker is fast

Computers Can Be Understood (2020)

Transformers for Software Engineers

A Cursed Bug

A Brief Introduction to Termios

A Brief Introduction to termios: termios(3) and stty (2009)

Reflections on software performance

Distributed Cloud Builds for Everyone

Building LLVM in 90 seconds using Amazon Lambda

Some opinionated thoughts on SQL databases

Computers can be understood.

Systems that defy detailed understanding

Computers Can Be Understood

Reflections on Software Performance

Why the Sorbet type checker is fast

Record/Replay testing in Sorbet

Two kinds of testing

The architecture of declarative configuration management

Reader/Reader blocking in reader/writer locks

Confessions of a programmer: I hate code review (2010)

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