
Tag trends are in beta. Feedback? Thoughts? Email me at [email protected]

The Design Space of Wikis

Emacs Microfeature

You Need More Constraints

Type Inference Was a Mistake

Why Checked Exceptions Failed

Type Systems for Memory Safety

Why checked exceptions failed

Test Against Reality

Depth-First Procrastination

Why Lisp Syntax Works

Second-Class References

NixOS for the Impatient

Sketch of a Post-ORM

Language Pragmatics Engineering

Two Years of OCaml

How Capabilities Work in Austral

Effective Spaced Repetition

The Best of Orion's Arm

And yet It Understands

Design of the Austral Compiler

Shells are two things

Languages are not Ecosystems

Roam, Twenty Years Before Roam

A Brief Defense of XML

How Austral’s Linear Type Checker Works

Astronomical Calculations for Hard SF in Common Lisp

Austral: A systems language with linear types and capabilities

Unbundling Tools for Thought

Simplicity and Survival

Lessons from Writing a Compiler

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