
Tag trends are in beta. Feedback? Thoughts? Email me at [email protected]

How to run Valgrind on a CGI program in C

Four lines of code it was four lines of code

The speed of Microsoft's BASIC floating point routines

Converting IEEE-754 floating point to Color BASIC floating point

I know languages that have support for “read-only memory,” but what about “write-only memory?”

Unit testing on an 8-bit CPU

A small warning about UDP based protocols

YAML config file? Pain? Try Lua

Notes on optimizing an O(n)+C algorithm where the C matters quite a bit

Another attempt at a “unit test”

A branchless segment of code to generate a printable hexadecimal value

A breakdown of the triple-star pointer

Today's date happens more frequently on Sunday than any other day of the week

Some notes on working with old C code

An annotated example of using LPeg to parse a string to generate LPeg to parse other strings

Unit test this

You can program functionally in any computer language

When did POP and IMAP become a “legacy protocol?”

When does technology pass from being a tool to being a crutch? (2009)

A constructive look at the Atari 2600 BASIC cartridge

LPEG vs. PEG—they both have their strengths and weaknesses

I sovled the issue, but I'm not sure what the issue was

Notes from a Gibsonian Novel

I can code that FizzBuzz function with only two tests

The root casue of a crash

Managing TLS connections using Lua and Lua coroutines (2018)

Adding CGI support to my gopher server

Using the same blogging software for 20 years

Adding redirection to the gopher protocol

How can a “commercial grade” web robot be so badly written?

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