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A recent meta-analysis indicates that executive function deficits are not a core feature of psychopathy

Ancient Mexican Child Sacrifice Linked to Elite Inbreeding

Plea bargains in the criminal system are often framed as efficient for all parties while also sorting the guilty from the innocent

During the height of the first wave of the COVID pandemic, Donald Trump called for the "liberation" of three states (MN, VA, MI) that implemented COVID restrictions

Monumental architecture in Atlantic Europe: fifth-millennium BC enclosure

APSR study: Two New Deal programs (WPA, PWA) provided massive government subsidies to hire workers in the Great Depression

The irrational hungry judge effect revisited (2023)

Human parasites in the Roman World: health consequences of conquering an empire

Herbert A. Simon and Jorge Luis Borges About Free Will (2023)

Monumental snake engravings of the Orinoco River

Ancient Eastern European mega-sites: a social levelling concept?

Two “push factors” (political violence and state repression) play central roles in driving international displacement and refugee flows

Rural areas in the US tend to be conservative electoral strongholds. However, it wasn't always the case

Knuth–Morris–Pratt illustrated

A pivot point in Maya history: fire-burning event at Ucanal

New study on US Supreme Court hearings finds male and white participants are more likely to interrupt women and person of color speakers.

A canonical Hamiltonian formulation of the Navier–Stokes problem

Figurative Representations in the North European Neolithic–Are They There?

Contrary to the conventional wisdom, borders in Africa were not arbitrarily drawn by European colonial powers

Girls outperform boys from primary school to university

Edible Australian plants could become new food crops for sustainable farming systems

Animalization of Kurds in Turkish-Speaking Social Media

Populist backlash against globalization: A meta-analysis of the causal evidence

Inscriptions carved on a 2,100-year-old bronze hand might be the earliest written example of the language that gave rise to modern Basque, archaeologists say.

There are no instances of fatal ecoterrorism – The only fatal terrorist attacks associated with the environmental movement are the Unabomber's activities

Evidence of the intentional use of black henbane in the Roman Netherlands

Compulsory voting can reduce polarization and push political parties towards the median voter’s preferences

A Partisan Solution to Partisan Gerrymandering: The Define–Combine Procedure

Pacific Island governments are increasingly imposing taxes on unhealthy foods as they battle a non-communicable disease crisis, a New Zealand study shows

A twin study has uncovered that the relationship between body mass index (BMI) and depressive symptoms is bidirectional between the ages of 12 and 16

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