All software in EU under product liability from 2026

Cyber resilience act: Council adopts new law on security requirements for digital products

EU countries must implement right to repair laws within two years

Mercury: Council and Parliament strike a deal to phase out mercury in the EU

European institutions strike a deal on the first rules for AI in the world

European digital identity: provisional agreement reached on eID

Council adopts new law for more recharging and refuelling stations across Europe

Euro 7: Council adopts position on emissions from cars, vans, buses and trucks

EU-wide maximum limit of €10K for cash payments

EU Digital Markets Act, aimed at Google, Apple, Amazon, approved

"The EU will sponsor free wireless internet access points in town halls, libraries, parks and other public places under a new scheme called WiFi4EU, which was adopted by the Council today" (x-post r/europe)

EU to launch free 'WiFi4EU' hotspots

End of roaming charges, net neutrality becomes law in EU