Court: Uber had duty to protect Washington driver murdered by passengers

Erratic changes in rainfall patterns linked to humans

Google defends itself in proposed class action, says it never collected users’ personal information

Social media platforms that mine user data aren’t shielded by federal communications law, California court says

Porn site operators sue Indiana attorney general over user age verification law

Less homework, less gaming, more playing: Chinese laws yield success in war on sitting

Arizona Accuses Amazon of Unfair, Deceptive Business Practices

Elon Musk sues Sam Altman, Greg Brockman, and OpenAI [pdf]

Notorious arcade gamer Billy Mitchell settles suit over Donkey Kong world record

Ninth Circuit revives petition to give magic mushrooms Schedule II status

Gene co-option in daisy creates petals that look like female flies, luring male flies — Males’ vain attempts to mate with petals rub off more pollen onto the flower

Ex-CIA coder behind WikiLeaks ‘Vault 7’ cache found guilty of espionage

Judge orders trial in Tesla autopilot manslaughter case

The speed and magnitude of global warming over the last 150 years is unprecedented for at least the last 24,000 years

NASA Gives Update on Quest to Find Evidence of Life on Mars

Texas Launches Probe Into Online Brokers’ Halt of GameStop Trading

Seuss-Star Trek mashup crashes and burns at Ninth Circuit

Report Claims America's CIA Also Controlled a Second Swiss Encryption Firm

Scientists Discover Newly Formed Galaxy 430 Million Light Years Away

Research Suggests Volcanic Eruptions Caused Abrupt Ancient Cooling

A warming planet will not shake off centuries of human-caused pollution overnight, according to a new study that cautions reductions in human-caused emissions now will take decades to show detectable changes in global surface temperatures.

Judge Calls Amazon’s Efforts to Keep Worker Injury Data Secret 'Disturbing'

Federal Judge Rules FBI Cannot Hide Use of Social Media Surveillance Tools

Democrats Close to Forcing Vote on Net Neutrality

EFF Beats 'Stupid' Patent Troll In Court

FCC Eliminates Rule That Was Cornerstone of Local News Broadcasting

Mug Shot Access Faces Court Review

"A man whose stealth technology and weapons inventions put him on the road to a Nobel Prize says the government declassified his patents to reap the rewards."