Why I'm Writing a Book on Cryptography (2020)

EdDSA, Ed25519, Ed25519-IETF, Ed25519ph, Ed25519ctx, HashEdDSA, PureEdDSA, WTF?

What's the Deal with Zkapps?

Kimchi: The latest update to Mina's zero-knowledge proof system

The code is the specification? Introducing cargo spec

How do modern zero-knowledge proofs, and PLONK specifically, work? (videos)

"This destroyes the RSA cryptosystem"

How do people find bugs?

The missing explanation of ZK-SNARKs: Part 1

Why I’m Writing A Book On Cryptography

Why I’m Writing a Book on Cryptography

Cryptographic Signatures, Surprising Pitfalls, and LetsEncrypt

EdDSA, Ed25519, Ed25519-IETF, Ed25519ph, Ed25519ctx, HashEdDSA, PureEdDSA, WTF?

How symmetric password-authenticated key exchanges work (sPAKE)

Developers Are Not Idiots

QUIC Crypto and simple state machines

Maybe we shouldn't skip SHA-3

Is Symmetric Security Solved?

Breaking https' AES-GCM (or a part of it)

Dual EC or the NSA's Backdoor: Explanations

What is the GCM in AES-GCM?

Let's Encrypt Overview

Schnorr's Signature and Non-Interactive Protocols

Cracking a RSA communication

How can you tell if a cipher is secure?