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How do we tell truths that might hurt? (1975)

Design Principles Behind Smalltalk (1981)

Ada Lovelace Day

Design Principles Behind Smalltalk

You and Your Research (1986)

A Person Paper on Purity in Language

You and Your Research (1986)

The Invention of the First Wearable Computer (1998)

Great Works in Computer Science

Design Principles Behind Smalltalk (2001)

You and Your Research (1986)

You and Your Research (1986)

I See Dead µops: Leaking Secrets via Intel/AMD Micro-Op Caches

Time Management by Randy Pausch

Computers Without Clocks – Ivan Sutherland (2002)

Representing Graphs by Knuth Trees (1974)

Design Principles Behind Smalltalk (1981)

CHEx86: Context-Sensitive Enforcement of Memory Safety via Microcode-Enabled Capabilities

To Dissect a Mockingbird: A Graphical Notation for the Lambda Calculus (1996)

Computers without clocks (2002)

Guide to x86 Assembly

Context-Sensitive Fencing: Securing Speculative Execution via Microcode Customization

Growing a Language by Guy Steele (1998)

A Symbolic Analysis of Relay and Switching Circuits (1937)

The Protection of Information in Computer Systems (1974)

You and Your Research (1986)

Enumerating Trees (2013)

Design Principles Behind Smalltalk (1981)

Edsger Dijkstra - How do we tell truths that might hurt?

Introduction to Computing: Explorations in Language, Logic, and Machines

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