Remix's concurrent submissions are fundamentally flawed

Web apps have client and server state

Soft Deletes with Ecto and PostgreSQL

Announcing Phoenix Playground

Elixir and Machine Learning in 2024 so far: MLIR, Arrow, structured LLM, etc.

Mocks and Explicit Contracts in Elixir (2015)

Elixir – Why the dot when calling anonymous functions?

Introducing Rustler Precompiled

Elixir and Machine Learning: Nx v0.1 released

Livebook: A collaborative and interactive code notebook for Elixir

How to debug Elixir/Erlang compiler performance

Nx (Numerical Elixir) is now publicly available

10 Years(-Ish) of Elixir

You may not need Redis with Elixir

The beauty of Phoenix LiveView

Homemade Analytics with Ecto and Elixir