A Splendid Scala Journey

Scala Resurrection

An introduction to functional design

A Developer's Guide to Surviving the Coronapocalypse

A Glossary of Functional Programming

Beautiful, Simple, Testable Functional Effects for Scala

Bifunctor IO: A Step Away from Dynamically-Typed Error Handling

Why I'm Excited About Scalaz 8

Data Structures Are Antithetical to Functional Programming

Functional Programming Isn't the Answer (Year 2014)

A Beginner-Friendly Tour through Functional Programming in Scala

Descriptive Variable Names: A Code Smell

Modern Functional Programming: The Onion Architecture

An Onion Approach To Abstraction Construction

Twitter's Fucked

Functional Programming Isn't the Answer (2014)

Destroy All Ifs – A Perspective from Functional Programming

Final Statement on the LambdaConf Controversy

Is LambdaConf for Conservative Christians, Too?

Wrestling With Inclusion at LambdaConf

A Modern Architecture for FP

Haskell's Type Classes: We Can Do Better

Newtypes Aren't As Cool As You Think