Exxon Exposed: Greenpeace Tricks Top Lobbyists into Naming Senators They Use to Block Climate Action

As Jeff Bezos Earns $191K Per Minute, Why Are NY & VA Giving Amazon $3 Billion in Corporate Welfare?

Net Neutrality Advocates on Next Steps After FCC Vote: “This Fight is Far from Over”

As Trump Complains About Alleged Surveillance, Republicans Gut Internet Privacy Rules

FCC Under Trump: Net Neutrality & Internet Freedom Face New Attack

Project Hemisphere: AT&T's Secret Program to Spy on Americans for Profit

Glenn Greenwald: U.S. Government Wants Ability to Access the Communications of Everyone, Everywhere

Julian Assange on how the TPP is about Corporate Control: "Only five of the 29 chapters are about traditional trade

Lavabit Founder: Gov’t "Bold-Faced Lies" & Mass Surveillance Effort Forced Me to Close My Company

The U.S. Drone War Pushed Edward Snowden to Leak NSA Documents, "The Stuff I Saw Really Began to Disturb Me".