The Age Of Concurrency

Twenty years is nothing

Return to Innocence

Guy Kawasaki

The history and role of fashion in the software industry

Aftermath of the Kernel Wars

Alan Perlis and the Evolution of Programming Languages

The State Of Rust In 2022 – De Programmatica Ipsum

The Digital Dark Ages

(Computer) Museums in Switzerland

On the Duopoly of Mobile

Richard Matthew Stallman

The State of Python in 2021

The Great Rewriting In Rust

Gerald Weinberg

Steve McConnell

The Untimely Demise of Workstations

The Absolute No-Frills Quite Ignorant Incomplete Beginner’s Guide to Smalltalk


Brad Cox

Kathy Sierra

The Rise and Fall of Mobile

Brad Cox: when OOP was about “Software-ICs” and micro-transactions