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Discord Reduced WebSocket Traffic by 40%

How Discord stores trillions of messages (2023)

Dave: Discord's New End-to-End Encryption for Audio and Video

Malcore Malware Analysis Discord great for anything malware

Started a discord channel (30 members now) where people can share and review technical papers and books

Developing Rapidly with Generative AI

Anyone wanting to learn and make Python projects?

Join my discord server and make it alive by your stay! https://discord.com/invite/EkgVVfnpWC This is a new discord server for programmers/graphic designers..etc Feel free to join and if you didn't like to stay you have the right to leave! And also if you're looking for a job or if you are searc

Maxjourney: Pushing Discord's Limits with a Million+ Users in a Single Server

Help! Building Discord Developer Lighthouse Community

I've Started a discord channel to help people who are new to Computer Science background

Building python discord community.

CloudFlare is blocking traffic to Discord

Why discord is switching from go to rust (2020)

Discord for programming students

Discord Rolled Out Yubikeys for All Employees

Discord is changing their username system and ditching discriminators

An Advanced Discord Chatbot originally made for me and my friends. I just made it public and I hope people'll enjoy using it!

How Discord Stores Trillions of Messages

Discord’s Creator Portal

Discord adds new “Forum” channels

How Discord Stores Billions of Messages

Using Rust to scale Elixir for 11M concurrent users

Discord Switching to React Native for Android App

How Discord supercharges network disks for extreme low latency

Why Discord is switching from Go to Rust

Why Discord is switching from Go to Rust (2020)

How Discord Stores Billions of Messages (2017)

Discord Launches Threads

Discord's new UX design is harmful to the visually impaired and colorblind

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